Windows 10 a Free Upgrade For One Year


Windows 10 will be a free upgrade during its first year,if you happen to be running Windows 8.1, Windows Phone 8.1, or windows 7 upgrade your operating system. .The upgrade will only be free in first 12 months after the release and will last for the supported lifetime of the device.Microsoft is planning a big push for Windows 10.

Microsoft Vice President of Operating System Terry Myerson  he consider  Windows 10 as a " service" and he also thinks " In next few years, you could think of Windows as one of the largest internet services on the planet".

The " Universal Apps" According to " Redmond's hyped concept of software" that thinks are gonna work equally on phones, tablets and PC. There is gonna be one code which will work everywhere.The Office applications will be available as Universal apps,But for the developers they need to do same with their codes as well.

Contolling options will be expanded,as Cortana will be built into the operating system as well. The online digital assistant now has seven language options, as well as " yoda impersonation mode" which is still in beta.Besides answering questions, the Cortana also search through your hard drive for better results.

Since the september annoucement of the Windows 10 Preview, 1.7 millon people have signed up as beta testers and installed OS on over three Million device,so cool, and  i believe Windows 10 is going to be much more better than Windows 8.1.....


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